Reverse Pre-Diabetes Naturally

Let’s dive into my latest YouTube video on preventing pre-diabetes naturally!

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Reversing Pre-diabetes

Here’s a little secret: we used to think reversing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer was impossible. But science has taught us otherwise. Today, we know that with lifestyle changes, you can stop pre-diabetes in its tracks—and even reverse it.

Pre-diabetes starts with insulin resistance, which means your body isn’t responding to insulin the way it should. When this happens, your blood sugar rises, setting you up for complications like cataracts, kidney failure, and even dementia. The key to breaking this cycle is regaining your body’s sensitivity to insulin, and here’s how you do it (8:28):

  • Exercise (9:24): Regular aerobic activity is a game-changer. Walking, dancing, cycling, or even brisk jogging gets your heart rate up and helps your body respond better to insulin. Harvard research confirms that exercising 3–4 times per week significantly improves metabolic health, reduces blood sugar, and even helps with weight management. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to relieve stress and boost your mood!

  • Diet (11:27): Cutting out ultra-processed foods and sugary beverages is critical. These foods actively harm your gut microbiome. Your gut bacteria are essential for managing blood sugar, and when you damage them, you make it harder for your body to handle glucose properly. Replace those snacks with whole, nutrient-dense foods to give your body the tools it needs to heal.

Food to Fight Pre-diabetes

Now, let’s talk about one of my favorite topics—food! The right foods can work to reverse pre-diabetes and restore your health. Here are my top picks:

  • Avocados (14:03): These creamy, delicious fruits are packed with fiber that feeds your gut microbiome, reducing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity. I love eating avocados with a squeeze of lemon—simple, satisfying, and so good for you.


  • Goji Berries (15:14): These vibrant red berries are not only delicious but also packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from diabetes-related vision problems. I like adding them to tea or sprinkling them over yogurt for an easy, nutrient-packed snack.


  • Broccoli Sprouts (16:05): Think of these as baby broccoli with superpowers. They contain isothiocyanates, which boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Studies show that broccoli sprouts can enhance immune responses by up to 16 times. Toss them into salads or blend them into smoothies for an easy way to supercharge your meals.

Watch the video for more tips and foods to fight pre-diabetes:


Love your food to love your health,
— Dr. William Li